
Manuscript preparation


In addition to the title of the manuscript, the title page should provide the names and complete contact information for all authors.

Complete contact information includes professional/academic affiliation, street address, telephone number and email address.


Include a 300-word abstract that is readable by the layperson.

It should be understandable and independent of the rest of the paper.

It should not contain cited references.

It should describe the methodology used and highlight the principal results.


● Use block format. Text should begin at the left margin and be double-spaced, with a space between paragraphs.

● Use primary (bold) and secondary (italic) heads throughout to break up long stretches of text. Do not number and do not use all capital letters in (sub-) headings. Place all headings flush left.

● Limit the introduction to a brief overview.

● Limit the use of Latin or other foreign language expressions replace with simple English equivalents.

● Make spelling and punctuation consistent throughout.


Include at the end of the text, before the references.


Must be typewritten, with the equation number placed in parenthesis to the right of the equation.

Italicize all variabales, both in the equation itself and in the text.


● Do not use all capital letters.

● Number consecutively and label clearly.

● Define all symbols and abbreviations.

● Explanatory Paragraph : Should fully explain the table or figure so that the reader need not refer to the text.

● Figures : Provide a high-quality laser copy with clear captions and/or labels for each section.

● Tables : Limit the number of significant figures to one or two when the meaning is clear.


● Number footnotes consecutively.

● Type on a separate page.

● Use to define or explain terms, not to supply information that can be readily included in the text.


● Cite other work in the text with both author and date.

● Type referenced works on a separate sheet and place at the end of the article under the heading References.

● Supply all required information for every reference including volume and issue number, date and pages. List alphabetically by authors’ last names.

● Conforming examples are :

  • - Book
    Mills, E. S. and B. W. Hamilton, 1989, Urban Economics, 4th ed. New York, NY: Harper Collins.
  • - Journal article
    Kaufman, D. A. and N. R. Cloutier, 2006, “The impact of small brownfields and greenspaces on residential property values,” The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 33(1): 19-30.
  • - Article in book edited by another
    Daniels, P. W., 1979, “Perspectives on Office Location Research,” In P. W. Daniels, editor. Spatial Patterns of Office Growth and Location. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sans.


Authors will be required to assign copyright in their paper to the REB Real Estate Research Institute. Copyright assignment is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless copyright has been assigned. To assist authors an appropriate copyright assignment form will be supplied by the editorial office.

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