Editorial Workflow

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Enacted: August 17, 2015
Revised: August 30, 2016
Revised: April 30, 2018
Revised: April 19, 2019
Revised: July 28, 2020
Amended by other acts: December 4, 2020
Revised: April 14, 2022
Revised: August 17, 2022

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these bylaws is to regulate matters necessary for the publication of journals such as Journal of Real Estate Analysis, published by the REB Real Estate Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the "Institute"). <Revised on December 4, 2020>

Article 2 (Principle of Application)

Journals published by the Institute shall be governed by these bylaws. However, the Director of the Institute (hereinafter referred to as the "Director") may determine the details not specified in these bylaws.

Chapter 2 Editorial Board

Article 3 (Composition and Election)

① The Editorial Board shall be composed of a maximum of 25 members, including two members from the Institute. <Revised on April 19, 2019>

② The Director of the Institute shall serve as one Chairperson of the Editorial Board, and an external member of the Editorial Board shall serve as the other.

③ There shall be between two and five internal members of the Editorial Board, excluding the Director, and they shall be appointed by the Director.

④ The external members of the Editorial Board shall be qualified as university professors or equivalent and shall be selected with a balanced consideration of region, university, major, etc.

⑤ The Chairperson of the External Editorial Board shall be elected from among the members of the External Editorial Board.

⑥ The Administrative Secretary of the Editorial Board shall be appointed by the Director of the Institute from among the Institute's staff.

Article 4 (Role of the Editorial Board)

① The Chairperson of the Editorial Board shall have overall responsibility and authority for all tasks and administrative matters related to the editing and publication of the journal.

② The Editorial Board shall have the following powers:

  • 1. Requesting review of submitted articles
  • 2. Mediating between authors and reviewers
  • 3. Judging the results of the review
  • 4. Selecting the final published article
  • 5. Determining the order of publication
  • 6. Deciding the number of issues of the journal
  • 7. Managing the online publication of monographs
  • 8. Setting submission, review, and publication fees
  • 9. Managing matters specified in these bylaws and the "Research Ethics Statement."

③ The Administrative Secretary shall assist the Chairperson of the Editorial Board in recording and maintaining minutes of the meetings of the Editorial Board and in handling all accounting and administrative matters relating to the publication of the journal.

④ Members of the Editorial Board and the Secretary shall not disclose personal information of authors obtained in connection with the activities of the Editorial Board.

Article 5 (Term of Office)

① The term of office for the Internal Chairperson shall be the same as that of the Director.

② The term of office for the External Chairperson, members of the Editorial Board, and the Secretary shall be two years, and it is renewable.

Article 6 (Meetings)

① Meetings shall be categorized into regular and extraordinary meetings.

② Regular meetings shall be held six times a year in March, April, June, July, October, and November. However, if unavoidable circumstances arise, a written meeting can be held instead. <Revised on April 19, 2019>

③ An extraordinary meeting shall be held upon request of one Chairperson of the Editorial Board or five or more members of the Editorial Board.

④ As a general rule, regular and extraordinary meetings shall be co-chaired by both Chairpersons. In the absence of one Chairperson, the meeting may be chaired by the other.

⑤ A majority of the members must be present to open the meeting of the Editorial Board, and decisions shall be made upon agreement of a majority of members present. In the event of a tie, the External Chairperson of the Editorial Board holds the right to decide. If the External Chairperson of the Editorial Board is absent, the Internal Chairperson of the Editorial Board holds the right to decide.

Article 7 (Meeting Fees and Advisory Fees <Revised on April 19, 2019>)

Meeting fees and advisory fees may be paid to external members of the editorial board who attend meetings in accordance with the "Payment of Advisory Fees, etc." <Revised on April 19, 2019>

Chapter 3 Reviewers

Article 8 (Selection and Role)

① The Editorial Board shall privately appoint three reviewers whose fields of study are appropriate for the review of the article.

② Each reviewer shall submit the results of the review within the deadline set by the Editorial Board. If a reviewer's area of expertise does not match the article being reviewed, they must inform the Editorial Board and work with them to select a qualified reviewer.

③ Each reviewer must fairly evaluate the content and level of the article in accordance with the review criteria outlined in Article 12.

④ If a reviewer fails to submit a review within the specified time frame, the editor-in-chief will send a reminder. If the reviewer fails to submit the review within 5 days of the first reminder, the reviewer may be dismissed and another reviewer may be appointed. The dismissed reviewer must return the paper immediately.

⑤ Reviewers may exchange their opinions on the review with the Editorial Board.

⑥ The author's personal information shall not be disclosed when requesting a review, and the identity of the reviewers shall not be disclosed to the author.

Article 9 (Qualifications)

Reviewers shall be selected by the Editorial Board based on the following criteria:

1. Those who hold a doctoral degree in a real estate-related field.

2. Those who have a Master's degree in a real estate-related field or more than 5 years of practice or research experience.

3. Those who have published an average of at least one book or research paper per year.

4. Those who hold a full-time faculty position or higher at a university or college.

5. Any other person recognized as having qualifications equivalent to the above.

Article 10 (Exclusion of Reviewers, etc.)

① In principle, articles submitted by a Chairperson, Editorial Board members, and reviewers shall be reviewed by other Editorial Board members or reviewers in the relevant field.

② Articles submitted by staff members of the REB Real Estate Research Institute shall not be reviewed by reviewers of the REB Real Estate Research Institute, except in special cases. <Revised on August 30, 2016 and December 4, 2020>

③ Reviewers and editorial board members shall not participate in the review of papers submitted by members of the institution to which they belong, except in special cases.

Article 11 (Review Fees)

Review fees may be paid to external reviewers who have completed the review fairly and legally within the scope of the standards separately determined by the Director of the Institute. (Revised on April 19, 2019)

Chapter 4 Evaluation of Papers

Article 12 (Review Criteria)

The review criteria for submitted papers are as follows:

1. Creativity of the paper.

2. Logic and consistency of content development.

3. Appropriateness of research methods.

4. Reliability of research data.

5. Validity and objectivity of the analysis or evaluation.

6. Scientific contribution of the research.

7. Level of quality of the abstract.

Article 13 (Review Procedures and Methods)

① The review request shall be sent to the reviewers after the contents through which the identity and personal information of the author can be inferred are deleted.

② The reviewer shall submit the results and rationale of their review along with the reviewed article to the Editorial Board.

③ The Editorial Board shall deliver a copy of the review opinion (in Appendix 4) or a notification of the review result (in Appendix 5) reflecting all review opinions to the author within 10 days of receiving the review opinion. <Revised on April 30, 2018 and April 14, 2022>

④ <Deleted on April 14, 2022>

⑤ The review process shall be conducted in accordance with Appendix 1. (Revised on April 14, 2022)

Article 14 (Review Period)

① The review process, including the first review (within 15 days) and the second review (within 7 days), shall be completed within one month.

② The Administrative Secretary is responsible for the administrative processing of the review.

③ If an author who has been requested to revise an article fails to respond or complete the revision within the deadline specified in Article 15, the article will be rejected for publication. However, if an extended period is required for revision or review, the review of the article may be postponed after consultation with the Editorial Board.

④ If reviewers are reelected for the first review, the review period shall be less than 10 days.

Article 15 (Revision Period)

① The revision period shall be less than 10 days in principle.

② The Editorial Board may extend the revision period, considering the difficulty involved in revision.

③ Under unavoidable circumstances, such as natural disasters, the author may apply for an extension of the revision period.

Article 16 (Grading Criteria)

The reviewers shall grade the paper upon review with one of the following grades:

1. A paper rated "Published" will be published without changes.

2. “Published with modifications" refers to cases in which it is judged that the paper can be published with some modifications, such as minor wording or content changes. The Editorial Board shall notify the author of the comments, and the author shall consider them and revise the article accordingly. The author must submit the revised article and a summary of the revisions by the specified deadline.

3. A "revision and re-review" refers to situations in which the revisions are deemed significant or the paper needs significant improvement. The author must revise the paper to address the reviewer's comments, and the paper then undergoes a second review. Only one review of a revised paper is allowed, and if it is determined that another review is necessary, the paper will be “rejected.”

4. A "Rejected" grade means that the content of the paper is not original or appropriate, its quality level is extremely low and it is unsuitable for publication in the journal, or it violates research ethics. Reviewers must state the reason for rejection, and rejected papers will not be re-reviewed.

Article 17 (Primary Review)

① Papers will be evaluated during the primary review based on four grades: published, published with modifications, revision and re-review, and rejected, and the evaluation criteria will be based on Table 6. (Revised on April 14, 2022).

② If there are discrepancies in the review results of the three reviewers, the final score will be based on the median score. However, if the scores of the remaining two reviewers differ by more than two levels, the paper will be re-reviewed.

③ If two or more reviewers determine that a paper is unsuitable for publication, the paper will be rejected.

④ If the author disagrees with the reviewer's request for revision and the reviewers have conflicting opinions, the review results will be reported to the Editorial Board, which will make the final decision.

Article 18 (Secondary Review)

① In the case of a secondary review, the first reviewers will conduct the review again, and the paper will be evaluated based on three grades: published, published with modification, and rejected. However, in the case of a paper that has undergone a revision and re-review, the reviewer who made the decision to publish and the reviewer who made the decision not to publish may be excluded from the reviewing process during the second round of review.

② The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall also apply to matters relating to the secondary review.

Article 19 (Final Decision)

The Editorial Board will make the final decision, considering the results of the first and second reviews. However, the article to be published must have been rated "published with modifications" or higher by two or more reviewers.

Article 20 (Appeals)

① If the author wishes to present a counter-argument or a different perspective from the reviewers' opinions, revision requests, and reasons presented in the review, they may submit a written appeal to the Editorial Board.

② The Editorial Board may facilitate a discussion between the author and the reviewer regarding the appeal. If the disagreement persists, the Editorial Board shall make the final decision regarding the validity of the appeal.

③ The author may not appeal the Editorial Board's final decision.

Chapter 5 Submission, Acceptance, and Publication

Article 21 (Scope of Submitted Articles)

① Articles eligible for publication in journals such as Journal of Real Estate Analysis are research articles presenting theoretical, statistical, or objective empirical analysis studies in real estate-related fields.

② All articles must adhere to the Research Ethics Statement.

Article 22 (Writing and Submitting Articles)

① Articles should be written following the "Guidelines for Writing Articles" set by the Editorial Board. However, submitted articles will not be returned.

② The author holds responsibility for the content of the article.

③ In certain cases, the Editorial Board may require the author to pay a specified review fee.

④ Submissions must include the application form presented in Appendix 2, the request for publication and agreement on the use of the work presented in Appendix 3, the pledge of research ethics provided in Appendix 7, and the confirmation of co-authorship by a related party presented in Appendix 8. In the case of submission via the online submission system, authors shall use the forms available in the system. <Revised on April 30, 2018, July 28, 2018, April 14, 2022, and August 17, 2018>.

Article 23 (Indication of Authorship)

① If an article has multiple authors, clear identification of the lead author and the corresponding author (co-author) and indication of their order as lead author - corresponding author (co-author) are required. <Revised April 19, 2019>

② Authors of an article to be published must not make arbitrary changes to the names and order of the researchers as provided in the article at the time of submission.

Article 24 (Submission of Articles)

① Articles shall be submitted via email or the online submission system. <Revised on April 14, 2022>

② Articles can be submitted to the Editorial Board at any time throughout the year, and the date of acceptance will be the date the article is received bay the Editorial Board.

③ Upon receiving a submission, the Administrative Secretary of the Editorial Board shall acknowledge receipt to the author within 7 days.

④ The Editorial Board will conduct an initial check of the manuscript format and check for compliance with Article 21. If the manuscript is found to be in compliance, a reviewer will be appointed to review the manuscript.

⑤ If, after the preliminary review, the manuscript is found to be non-compliant with the required format, the Editorial Board may request revisions.

⑥ If a manuscript does not comply with Article 21 or significantly lacks the structure and completeness required for a scholarly paper, the Editorial Board may reject it and provide reasons for the rejection. <Revised April 30, 2018>

Article 25 (Publication of Articles)

① The decision to publish an article and the order of publication are determined by the Editorial Board.

② In general, articles are published in the first issue after completion of the review process. However, publication may be postponed based on the reviewing and editing schedule.

③ The Editorial Board has the authority to review submitted articles to determine their suitability for publication and may request authors to make revisions, additions, or deletions. Revised articles typically undergo another round of review to determine their publication status, and if an author declines to revise the article, it will not be published.

④ Only papers that are deemed "published" or "published with modifications" through the final review process will be published.

⑤ If a manuscript is rejected, the Editorial Board will provide written notification to the author, stating the reasons for rejection. Rejected articles will not be returned.

⑥ The Editorial Board may make necessary adjustments to the composition, diagrams, figures, and overall appearance of the text for the purpose of editing.

⑦ The Co-Chairperson has the authority to issue a certificate of acceptance for a paper that has been finally accepted.

Article 25.2 (Research Grants)

The Editorial Board may provide research grants to the lead author of an article that is finally determined to be "published" within the scope of the criteria separately determined by the Director of the institute.

Article 26 (Plagiarism Prevention System)

① Articles that have been determined to be published based on the review results mentioned in Article 25.1 shall undergo a plagiarism check with a plagiarism prevention system. This is done to prevent academic misconduct and ensure research ethics.

② The plagiarism prevention system utilizes the similarity check service provided by the Korea Citation Index (KCI) and a copykiller program. The Editorial Board may also consult with expert members of the Center of Research Ethics designated by the Korea Research Foundation to address research misconduct issues.

Article 27 (Publication and Distribution)

① The journal is scheduled to be published three times a year, with publication dates set for April 30, July 31, and November 30. The Editorial Board shall decide any changes to the publication month or number of publications. <Revised on April 19, 2019>

② The number of copies of the journal and the method of distribution will be determined by the Editorial Board.

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