List of Articles

Journal of Real Estate Analysis. Vol. 10, No. 1, 2024

Analysis for the Asymmetric Adjustment between Rent to Jeonse Ratio and Market Interest Rates
전월세전환율과 시장이자율의 비대칭적 조정과정에 대한 실증 분석
J. Real Estate Anal. 2024;10(1):1-19.
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An Analysis of the Impact of House Price Fluctuations on Subscription or Termination of Reverse Mortgage
주택가격 변동이 주택연금 가입 및 해지에 미치는 영향 분석
J. Real Estate Anal. 2024;10(1):21-41.
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Estimation of Bubbles in Seoul Office Price
서울시 오피스 가격 거품 추정 연구
J. Real Estate Anal. 2024;10(1):43-61.
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Analyzing the Reality of ‘Young Soul-Scraping Homebuyers’
20·30세대 ‘영끌’에 관한 실증분석
J. Real Estate Anal. 2024;10(1):63-78.
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A Study on the Impact of Financial Regulation on the Relationship between Housing Demand and House Affordability
주택금융규제가 주택수요와 구매력의 관계에 미치는 영향
J. Real Estate Anal. 2024;10(1):79-102.
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Uncertainty and Monetary Policy: Focusing on the Korean Housing Market
불확실성과 통화정책: 주택시장을 중심으로
J. Real Estate Anal. 2024;10(1):103-121.
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Analysis of Determinants of Spread in Apartment Junior Mortgage Loans during the Rising Rates Regime
금리 상승기 아파트 후순위 담보대출의 가산금리 결정요인 분석
J. Real Estate Anal. 2024;10(1):123-135.
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Characteristics and Triggers of Land Conversion of the Non-urbanized Area in Pocheon-si
비시가화지역의 토지전용 실태와 촉발요인: 포천시를 사례로
J. Real Estate Anal. 2024;10(1):137-156.
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An Analysis of the Impact of Macroeconomic Indicators on the Balance of Real Estate Project Financing Asset Backed Short Term Bond (PF-ABSTB)
거시경제지표가 부동산 PF-ABSTB(Project Financing Asset Backed Short Term Bond) 발행 잔액에 미치는 영향 분석
J. Real Estate Anal. 2024;10(1):157-176.
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